Вот решение с западных форумов по командиру Танну, который не хочет уходить из подземелий.
Hit ~
type DebugMode 1
partyadd 5982
type DebugMode 0
Hit ~ to close console
Tann will be added to party then you head back to Fort Locke do all the junk and he should leave them after the quest is finished, Once he did, Once he didn't if he is still in party after Vallis thingy.
To get him out of the party repeat the first 2 steps then type...
partyremove 5982
and then the last 2 steps...
Тут, думаю, все ясно - ручками прибавить его к своей партии, ручками убрать, когда квест будет засчитан.
По поводу черного бокса:
To "fix" it, find your NWN2 folder. Open UI\default\defaultchat.xml in Notepad.
On the "<UIPane name..." line, you'll see x="ALIGN_CENTER".
Change "ALIGN_CENTER" to a value that's half your resolution width. If you're at 800x600, use x="400". If 1024x768, use x="512". Etc.
Save. (Make a backup first!)
Note that you MUST have your history window on the LEFT side of the screen. This "fix" pushes the chat box half a screen to the right. If your history window is already on the right, that pushes the chat box off-screen, and hitting enter will crash your game.
Оба фикса проверял вчера лично - работает. По-прежнему бесит ошибка - нельзя нажимать Enter, сразу вылет.